The Right Realtor for First Time Buyers

I came across this How to Buy Your First House today. Not all Realtors are the same so finding the right Realtor is key.

Hard working real estate agent
The dumb guy?!

The piece includes some common sense and valuable points, such as setting a budget and finding help, but I do have to take issue with the following section:

1. Hire the dumb guy. The top agents want to make money from the top houses. You’re more of a hassle with your small budget. But the dumb guy? He’s not making as many sales. He wants to work for you (especially if he knows you want to upgrade in a few years and will need someone to sell your house and take you out to find a new house). Yet the greatest reason for hiring the dumb guy? He’ll have the inside story on everything. “He’s made it to where he is through his people skills. Other agents don’t take him as a serious threat; they look at him as a friendly guy. He’s the one to share a beer with. He’ll joke about beating up cops. Other agents tell him anything. Sure, his words might embarrass the heck out of you. Yet your agent could be the one who accidentally took the key to the new house with him on vacation, so no one else could view your prospective house. Other agents will just laugh at his slip. What a silly guy! Then they might give him some hot tips because what’s he gonna do?”

The tone of this whole section is overly flippant but I see what the author was trying to say. Sometimes a new agent may be more hungry for a sale, so they will work harder. That’s different from calling an agent “dumb.”

Looking for the right Realtor is important! That person will help you understand all aspects of a home purchase, including getting the finances right. First-time buyers especially need advice in this area.

All the same, it’s an interesting take on the subject of buying a first home and the importance of finding a Realtor who’ll work hard for you.