Kentucky a ‘Turf’ State No More

In a major ruling, U.S. District Judge Charles R. Simpson III ruled that the current law on how Kentucky real estate professionals deal with out-of-state agents is unconstitutional. As one of the few remaining “turf states” Kentucky was looked at by some as isolationists. In reality, Kentucky, like most states that were once considered turf states, required all real estate transactions conducted within our borders to be done by our real estate laws. Licensed agents from other state wouldn’t be as well-versed in our particular rules and regulations. This is something a bit difficult to gather from the CJ article as they principally covered only one point of view.

Photo of a gavel
Judge Ruling for Kentucky Real Estate Professionals

With this ruling in place, Kentucky will need to move forward with additional legislation to shore up the now wide-open gap in our laws. The Kentucky Real Estate Commission has yet to respond to this major change but I expect an opinion forthcoming.